Sunday, October 6, 2013

Injuries highlight true parenting differences

“Could you grab me a paper towel?” my husband called from the baby’s room.
I was annoyed, because I was in the middle of cleaning up the kitchen and he does have arms and legs that function just fine, last time I checked.
My huffy demeanor quickly dissipated, however, when I walked in, paper towel in hand, and my son was bleeding. More specifically, he had a split over his right eye and the beginning of a good shiner.
My husband seemed completely unaffected, smiling away as he dried our son off from bath time and prepped a diaper and pajama outfit. My reaction was just a little different — just a tiny bit.
“What happened?” I cried.
“What? This?” my husband said, as he started dabbing the blood away from the offending cut. “He jumped in the tub, fell and cut his eye.”
I stared at my husband incredulously. He was acting as if this was no big deal.
“You could have said something,” I said. I was trying to get my stomach back to its rightful place after dropping to the floor.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he said.
I could have throttled him. Didn’t he know that this was my baby? Didn’t he understand how serious this was?
There’s a distinct difference between men and women in terms of their reaction to injuries. I want to call in the National Guard; he wants to rub some dirt in it and walk it off.
Both approaches are a bit ridiculous, so I can only hope our children will learn to find some middle ground in our extreme approaches.
The following day, the bruise was big, but it didn’t look like our son needed medical attention.
My husband seemed disappointed.
“I was hoping that his first shiner would be a little more noticeable,” he said.
I was just thankful that the yearly daycare pictures were three days earlier.
— Sarah Leach is editor of The Holland Sentinel. Contact her at (616) 546-4278 or

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