Thursday, January 3, 2013

365 days: How do you measure a year?

It was 362 days ago that I became a mother and my life was forever changed for the better.

It's amazing how quickly time slips by and how much my Peanut has grown in one short year. He's toddling all over the place, looking for trouble, and is making his best attempts at talking, although no discernible words have been said just yet.

My aunt recently asked, “Is it everything you expected?”
“No,” was my immediate reply. “It's completely different than what I expected, but it's so much more than I ever could have hoped for.”

Here's my NMYIR (New Mother Year in Review) for 2012:
January: With the new bundle of joy at home, my husband and I quickly realize that, even though babies sleep “all the time,” that does not mean it is continuous. Sheer exhaustion reached new heights that month.

February: I have mastered breastfeeding while typing at my computer in order to work from home and attend school. I know — I'm a maniac. My husband and I also learn that taking my newborn to public places gives me extreme anxiety. Not good times.

March: I return to work, only to realize that I can't get my baby off my brain. It's bizarre how quickly one's priorities can change without one knowing it. Also, the Peanut is sleeping through the night. Don't hate me.

April: Bizarre weather and daycare shenanigans consume most of this month. But the Peanut starts to smile and coo, and I melt each time he gazes into my eyes.

May: The summer of my discontent begins as my husband leaves for a four-month job stint out West. I realize how hard single mothers work and have mad respect for everything they do.

June: During a weekend of leave time, my husband and I fly with Peanut to Tampa, Fla., for a friend's wedding only to encounter Tropical Storm Debbie. I discover what horizontal rain looks like. However, Peanut is sitting up and rolling over now, and his favorite pastime is bouncing in my lap.

July: Drought conditions strike and, once I get Peanut down for naps, I am scrambling in the yard in my bathrobe to water the bushes so they won't die. Peanut is now crawling quite well and has taken an avid interest in everything I do.

August: I get Peanut into a new daycare and can breathe a sigh of relief. This is abruptly ruined by his first real illness that resulted in a trip to urgent care.

September: My elderly dog takes ill, and I am at the bring of exhaustion. Between pet and baby messes, work and school, it takes industrial-strength caffeine to get through the days. On the bright side, Peanut gets his first tooth.

October: I celebrate my third wedding anniversary on the day our dog has to be put to sleep. Two weeks later my cat dies as well. However, my husband finally comes home and our family is whole again. A few days after his return, Peanut walks for the first time.

November: Peanut's first holiday season is marred only by a massive bout of teething and two more ear infections. When he is healthy and pain-free, he is the epitome of cherubic perfection.

December: His first Christmas is wonderful, as he learns how to rip wrapping paper for the first time. And as I plan his birthday party, I thank God for every minute I have had with him.

— Sarah Leach is assistant managing editor of The Holland Sentinel. Contact her at or at (616) 546-4278.

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