Thursday, July 26, 2012

Development explosion is exhilarating

“How did he get so big?” my husband asked regarding our 6-month-old.
“I don’t know,” I answered. “I wish he would slow down a little.”
This past weekend only was the second time my husband has seen the baby in two months. Well, that’s not exactly true, but Skype doesn’t quite pass for the real thing.
The Golden Age of babyhood has passed. My once angelic cherub, who quietly watched the activity in the room and only cried when hungry and tired, has changed. Gone are the days I could run into the kitchen to grab something or turn my back for a few moments at the changing table.
In fact, my baby isn’t much of a baby anymore. He’s becoming a little boy.
In the past month alone, he has learned to roll over both ways, sit up, get onto all fours and stand when grasping a steady base. He’s eating all kinds of veggies and fruits, is babbling up a storm and reaches for anything within a 2-foot radius.
I couldn’t be more proud — or exhausted.
As baby’s needs become more complicated, I won’t always know the answer, which is frightening. I’m a gal who likes to know how to fix things, and there certainly is an established control freak residing within me.
Babies have a way of fixing that.
“Oh, you have a schedule,” they think coyly. “That’s adorable. I have my OWN schedule in mind.”
But regardless of my incessant whining about how challenging my situation is with my husband out of town, I still feel a great sense of fulfillment that I can rise to the occasion. All the things get done. All the baby’s needs are met. All the appointments kept. All the planning organized.
Which is good, because this kid is on a roll, and he’s not slowing down for anything.
And teething is right around the corner. Ugh.

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